Spear phishing

Eventi su "spear phishing" (lista generata in Maggio 2016).

Non linkati direttamente per problemi tecnici; fare search del testo su google o sul blog https://news-bartolialberto.blogspot.it/

Molto interessante è il report FBI dell'Agosto 2015 (http://www.ic3.gov/media/2015/150827-1.aspx#fn1).

L'attaccante che ha penetrato Hacking Team afferma che "their whole business
is helping governments spear phish their opponents" (attacco spiegato passo-passo dal suo autore http://pastebin.com/raw/0SNSvyjJ )

  1. Digital Attack on German Parliament: Investigative Report on the Hack of the Left Party Infrastructure in Bundestag | netzpolitik.org
  2. Why cybercriminals attack healthcare more than any other industry
  3. Attackers packing malware into PowerShell
  4. BlackEnergy malware activity spiked in runup to Ukraine power grid takedown
  5. BBC News: Hackers behind Ukraine power cuts, says US report
  6. How easy is it to hack a home network? - BBC News
  7. Are YOUR Skype chats being watched? Malware found taping conversations
  8. Clever bank hack allowed crooks to make unlimited ATM withdrawals
  9. Cybersecurity firm says large hedge fund attacked
  10. eBay Exposed to Severe Vulnerability
  11. Kiev airport goes dark after 'BlackEnergy-linked' power outage
  12. Hackers hit NATO, White House – then aimed at MH17 air disaster probe
  13. A billion Android phones are vulnerable to new Stagefright bugs
  14. 950 million Android phones can be hijacked by malicious text messages
  15. State Says it Needs to Rebuild Classified Computer Networks after Hack
  16. Malware Attacks Targeting Syrian ISIS Critics
  17. ICANN HACKED: Intruders poke around global DNS innards • The Register
  18. Sandworm vulnerability seen targeting SCADA-based systems - SC Magazine UK
  19. iSight, Microsoft, announce Windows and Windows Server 0-day • The Register
  20. Hackers-for-hire raided 300 banks, corporates for TWELVE YEARS • The Register
  21. How your cat video addiction could be used to hack you - The Washington Post
  22. Fascinating analysis of injection attacks via YouTube, etc.
  23. Emerging Threat: Dragonfly / Energetic Bear – APT Group | Symantec Connect
  24. Nuclear regulator hacked 3 times in 3 years - CNET
  25. SANS NewsBites
  26. Hackers steal trade secrets from major US hedge firm • The Register
  27. Syrian Electronic Army Strikes Again In 'Modern-Day Defacement' --
  28. Oh, those crazy Syrian hackers: Now Wash Post, CNN, Time vandalised
  29. Oh, those crazy Syrian hackers: Now Wash Post, CNN, Time vandalised • The Register
  30. New class of industrial-scale super-phishing emails threatens biz • The Register

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